Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Watch Jackie Brown Movie Online Streaming Free in HD

Streaming Jackie Brown Movie Online Megavideo Free in HD
Quentin Tarantino wrote and directed this adaptation of Elmore Leonard's 1995 Rum Punch, switching the action from Miami to LA, and altering the central character from white to black. Ruthless arms dealer Ordell Robbie (Samuel L. Jackson), who lives with perpetually stoned beach-babe Melanie (Bridget Fonda), teams with his old buddy Louis Gara (Robert De Niro), just released from prison after serving four years for armed robbery. ATF agent Ray Nicolette (Michael Keaton) and cop Mark Dargus (Michael Bowen) bust stewardess Jackie Brown (Pam Grier), who was smuggling money into the country for Ordell. Ordell springs Jackie, but when middle-aged bail bondsman Max Cherry (Robert Forster) picks her up at the jail, he's attracted to her, and they choose a romantic route with detours. Mistrust and suspicions surface after Jackie pits Ordell and the cops against each other, convincing Ordell that she's going to double-cross the cops. Tarantino commented on the film's budget: "Jackie Brown only cost $12 million. You can't lose. You absolutely, positively can't lose. And you don't have to compromise." ~ Bhob Stewart, Rovi. Watch Jackie Brown Movie Online Streaming Without Downloading No Survey HERE

Story Line For Jackie Brown

Release Date Jackie Brown Dec 25, 1997 Wide
Genres Jackie Brown : Drama,Action & Adventure,Mystery & Suspense

Total Vote User Jackie Brown : Visitor
User Ranting Jackie Brown : 3.5
User Percentage For Jackie Brown : 78 %
User Count Like for Jackie Brown : 182,396
All Critics Ranting For Jackie Brown : 7.4
All Critics Count For Jackie Brown : 74
All Critics Percentage For Jackie Brown : 86 %

Actors For Jackie Brown

Pam Grier,Samuel L. Jackson,Robert Forster,Bridget Fonda,Michael Keaton,Robert De Niro,Michael Bowen,Chris Tucker,Lisa Gay Hamilton,Tommy 'Tiny' Lister,Hattie Winston,Aimee Graham,Sid Haig,Denise Crosby,Quentin Tarantino

Jackie Brown Movie Review

The tale is filled with funny, gritty Tarantino lowlife gab and a respectable body count, but what is most striking is the film's gallantry and sweetness.
David Ansen-Newsweek

Quentin Tarantino puts together a fairly intricate and relatively uninvolving money-smuggling plot, but his cast is so good that you probably won't feel cheated.
Jonathan Rosenbaum-Chicago Reader

The film is more Jarmusch than Peckinpah -- its soul is in the minutiae.
David Edelstein-Slate

Offers an abundance of pleasures, especially in the realm of characterization and atmosphere.
Todd McCarthy-Variety

It's like a scuzz-bucket film noir directed by Stanley Kubrick at his most static-mesmeric.
Owen Gleiberman-Entertainment Weekly

Tarantino's finest, most mature movie to date.
Geoff Andrew-Time Out

While Jackie Brown can be too languid, drifting like one of Melanie's highs, its wearied, over-40 lows reveal Tarantino as a director who, once upon a crime, could've mined complexity and depth from the cracks and crevices of American genre movies.
Brian Gibson-Vue Weekly (Edmonton, Canada)

A much moodier, slower pace from Tarantino's other work, but Jackie Brown is one enjoyable flick that rewards its audience with each viewing.
R. L. Shaffer-IGN DVD

might be his best film
Walter Chaw-Film Freak Central

Succeeds as a witty Elmore Leonard crime story...but also as a surprisingly affecting mid-life romance. [Blu-ray]
Peter Canavese-Groucho Reviews

Tarantino's films aren't so much stories as strings of anecdotes: movie moments, urban myths, conversations strewn with pop culture references.
Sean Axmaker-Parallax View

Mellower Tarantino still has sex, drugs, swearing, murder.
Charles Cassady-Common Sense Media

Loaded with all the crisp dialogue, trademark camera work, and memorable characters that we've come to expect from every Tarantino film.
Jason Zingale-Bullz-Eye.com

Consider it a superb Elmore Leonard adaptation by a filmmaker who knows how to serve someone else's material while making it his own.
Rob Gonsalves-eFilmCritic.com

That this modest crime thriller can't quite live up to its audacious dance across so many strata of hip and hommage and self-referential cool it makes your head spin is hardly a surprise, or even a criticism.
Maitland McDonagh-TV Guide's Movie Guide

When you absolutely, positively got to thrill every mother****er in the room, accept no substitutes. Jackie Brown is the AK-47 in Tarantino's arsenal.
Nick Davis-Nick's Flick Picks

Tarantino's tribute to creative influences, writer Elmor Leonard and blaxploitation star Grier, results in a more mature but less audacious film; last shot, taken from Queen Christina, only shows how magical Garbo was and Grier isn't
Emanuel Levy-EmanuelLevy.Com

These are unquestionably Tarantino's greatest characters, and the actors eat them up with verve.
Jeffrey M. Anderson-Combustible Celluloid

Forster and Grier have real chemistry in their limited time together on-screen. Forster has star-quality presence and is used well by Tarantino.
Robin Clifford-Reeling Reviews

Those who were waiting to see Quentin Tarantino, a k a the most annoying man in Hollywood, fall flat on his face are likely to be disappointed with Jackie Brown.
Philip Martin-Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


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