Thursday, July 11, 2013

Watch The White Ribbon (Das weisse Band) Movie Online Streaming Free in HD

Streaming The White Ribbon (Das weisse Band) Movie Online Megavideo Free in HD
In a village in Protestant northern Germany, on the eve of World War I, the children of a church and school run by the village schoolteacher and their families experience a series of bizarre incidents that inexplicably assume the characteristics of a punishment ritual. Who could be responsible for such bizarre transgressions? Leonie Benesch, Josef Bierbichler, and Rainer Bock star in director Michael Haneke's Palm d'Or-winning period drama. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi R. Watch The White Ribbon (Das weisse Band) Movie Online Streaming Without Downloading No Survey HERE

Story Line For The White Ribbon (Das weisse Band)

Release Date The White Ribbon (Das weisse Band) Dec 30, 2009 Wide
Genres The White Ribbon (Das weisse Band) : Art House & International,Drama

Total Vote User The White Ribbon (Das weisse Band) : Visitor
User Ranting The White Ribbon (Das weisse Band) : 3.5
User Percentage For The White Ribbon (Das weisse Band) : 76 %
User Count Like for The White Ribbon (Das weisse Band) : 88,723
All Critics Ranting For The White Ribbon (Das weisse Band) : 7.6
All Critics Count For The White Ribbon (Das weisse Band) : 136
All Critics Percentage For The White Ribbon (Das weisse Band) : 85 %

Actors For The White Ribbon (Das weisse Band)

Christian Friedel,Ernst Jacobi,Leonie Benesch,Ulrich Tukur,Ursina Lardi,Fion Mutert,Michael Kranz,Burghart Klau??ner,Steffi Kühnert,Maria-Victoria Dragus,Leonard Proxauf,Levin Henning,Johanna Busse,Yuma Amecke,Thibault Serie,Josef Bierbichler,Gabriela Maria Schmeide,Janina Fautz,Enno Trebs,Theo Trebs

The White Ribbon (Das weisse Band) Movie Review

As for Haneke's handling of the material, his directing is immaculate. Every moment is the product of a penetrating mind and a steady talent.
Stanley Kauffmann-The New Republic

The White Ribbon is a stark, contemplative and hauntingly brilliant film.
Calvin Wilson-St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Writer-director Michael Haneke doesn't pull any punches, but then he doesn't throw any wild ones, either. His filmmaking shows precisely the sort of obsession with control that the movie itself is denouncing. Interesting, you've got to admit.
Tom Long-Detroit News

Haneke tells this tale a bit too patiently for my taste. But the metaphors are unmistakable, as is the power of the film's message.
Roger Moore-Orlando Sentinel

The White Ribbon lunges hungrily for serious art-film credibility. Don't be fooled.
Ann Hornaday-Washington Post

Haneke has dramatized his intellectual conceits in an uninvolving, snail-paced movie that illustrates its themes in an obvious, almost banal manner.
Rene Rodriguez-Miami Herald

After reflecting on the film awhile, I found that I had been drawn into its beauty and its mystery too much not to give it at least a slight recommendation.

This film is a total drag to watch. It is slow. It is dark. It is depressing, and it seems as though it is never going to end. It is torture to sit through this film. It runs 144 minutes and seems twice that long.
Robert Roten-Laramie Movie Scope

The White Ribbon is Michael Haneke's masterpiece. It is not a movie about abstract concepts or a director's power over his characters - well, at least it's not just about those things.
Simon Miraudo-Quickflix

Un inquietante cuadro social, filmado en riguroso blanco y negro, y una reflexión sombría y perturbadora sobre el origen del mal, o al menos de cierto tipo de males.
Enrique Buchichio-Uruguay Total

The White Ribbon is a striking, in many ways indelible work, and it's tempting to be carried away by Haneke's craft and assurance as a filmmaker.
Jon Frosch-The Stranger (Seattle, WA)

Up close, it's a blur of meticulous details that don't quite make sense; but step back and its towering ambitions become indelibly apparent.

A direct and simple human lesson -- that negative reinforcement creates negative consequences.
Jeffrey Chen-Window to the Movies

Haneke knows how violence seeps into every recess of our lives, and he evokes it not to titillate, but to engage and challenge
James Kendrick-Q Network Film Desk

Both sexes suffer from what Elias Canetti identified in his book Crowds and Power as 'the sting,' a psychological hurt (bullying, abuse) that must be exorcised in reenactment. [Blu-ray]
Peter Canavese-Groucho Reviews

Haneke makes his way through this complex and knotty subject matter with a staggeringly effortless grace. As an expression of philosophy, it's profound and thought-provoking; as a work of cinema, it is flawless.
Ian Buckwalter-DCist

... while I appreciate... the unnerving atmosphere of punitive power and calculated cruelty under the carefully managed pose of piety, I find his sensibility sour and cynical...

Executed at an incredibly high level of craft and with an off-putting degree of self-confidence.
Bryant Frazer-Film Freak Central

As with most of Michael Haneke's films, a chill hangs in the air of The White Ribbon, the constant threat of upheaval eventually lulling you into a tired state of alertness.
Kate Jinx-Concrete Playground

Haneke has made a deeply unsettling and gravely beautiful film that tells us very little. But the performances are astonishing, and the faces of the children, caught in long, static close-ups, may haunt you for a long time.
Evan Williams-The Australian

A tantalising, perhaps slightly frustrating film, but a very impressive one.
David Stratton-At the Movies (Australia)

Unlike conventional thrillers, this film does not restore a moral order to the universe. Rather, it questions it. It must be seen.
Julie Rigg-MovieTime, ABC Radio National

At his best, as he is with White Ribbon, Haneke's fusion of art and ideas is unsurpassed.

These disturbing incidents pound the unsuspecting viewer into complete submission. The luminous beauty of the black-and-white cinematography framing the ugly world suggested here only serves to further shock the senses.
Leigh Paatsch-Courier Mail (Australia)

Far from enjoyable escapism, The White Ribbon is nonetheless utterly compelling and quite beautiful in its unsettling presentation of this prosaic evil.
Giles Hardie-Sydney Morning Herald


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